By: Sylvester Raraza
Email: sylvesterraraza@gmail.com
Twitter: @Sylvester_tut

(AP Photo/Abdel Kareem Hana)

The Apartheid State of Israel left the Palestinian territory in absolute shambles. Hundreds killed - among them children, in Israeli's bloody aggression on Palestinians. The world witnessed injured civilians, destroyed buildings and ruin.

The most disheartening aspect of this Israeli war on Palestinians is how civilians are impacted by it. Thousands of civilians fled their homes, frightened for their lives and some did not even get the chance to flee - they were just left for dead.

 [Ali Jadallah/Anadolu]

But let me start at the beginning. It started in the  community of Sheikh Jarrah, in East Jerusalem, where Palestinians were being evicted out of their homes by Israelis. Coupled with that, was the attack against Palestinians by the Israeli police force at the al-Aqsa Mosque, during one of the most holiest days in the Muslim community, Ramadan.

Millitant and nationalist group, Hamas, responded by firing rockets into Israel, but the sophisticated Israeli Defence Force's (IDF)  fighter aircraft sprung into action with air strikes bombing Gaza. Israeli's bombing spree did not end there, the IDF's war planes struck a 12-story media building that housed the Associated Press and Aljazeera. The IDF justified its bombardment of the media building by claiming that Hamas millitary assets operated from it, but it has not produced the evidence to back those claims up. Israel's actions must be viewed as an attack on press freedom, and it must be condemned for the air strike on the al-Jalaa tower.

al-Jalaa tower was destroyed. 
[Picture: Ashraf Abu Amrah/Reuters]

Of course, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin  Netanyahu trying to save the little credibility he has left in the eyes of Israelis, and deflect attention away from his bribery and fraud charges - not to mention his repeated failed bid to form a coalition government. Netanyahu was quoted as saying that even more bombings would be carried out by the IDF.

The international community called for de-escalation as the conflict spiraled out of control. The UN security council failed in its bid to calm the situation in the middle east down, and U.S President Joe Biden said his administration supported Israel's right to defend itself. This is ironic because Joe Biden was a critic of Apartheid South Africa, but today he supports Apartheid Israel.

The oppression of Palestinians will never end for as long as superpowers like the U.S and E.U member states continue to support Israel. Clearly, the world has not learnt valuable lessons from South Africa's Apartheid era. History will judge harshly those who support the continued ill-treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli regime.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, echoed his government's support for the Palestinians. During a working visit to France, Ramaphosa told France24 that the manner in which Palestinians have been treated by Israel reminded him of the treatment of black South Africans during Apartheid rule.

While there were some casualties from the Israeli side, the devastation was evident in Gaza that Palestine suffered greatly in this latest conflict. Israel is always ready to cause harm on Palestinians, it is as if it is always waiting for Palestinians to "get out of line."

These recent attacks were not the first time Israel showed blatant disregard for Palestinian human rights, since 2008 the IDF has launched three major attacks that damaged the Gaza Strip's infrastructure and people's livelihoods.

Let us not forget that this is a decades old conflict, and this month's violence is not the last. Israel's continued illegal occupation of Palestinian territories will forever be a cause for disruption and conflict. The world must find a long lasting solution, like it did for South Africa during the transition from White-minority rule to a constitutional democracy.

The cease fire that has been declared by the Israelis and Palestinians will be short lived, it is not a long lasting solution. Decisions that are often taken under pressure do not last long, and that will be manifested by the next spate of violence.

Israel and Palestine are in a cold war, there is suspicion of each other on both sides, there is a sense of 'we do not trust them' on both sides and it will forever be the case if no negotiated settlement is reached. The question that remains is, 'when will the next round of violence and destruction be'? We wait and see.



  1. A very insightful depth and informative perspective. I love it.


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